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3770 Garnet Street
Houston, TX, 77005
United States


The Sparrow Studio



DIY Sewing Kits

Annie Phillips

Laura (my Sparrow partner in Rwanda) asked if I could send the ladies sewing kits, and I want to show you what we came up with. 

We could have easily bought simple cheapo sewing kits, but I wanted to make something pretty.  Also, they were going to Africa, so they needed to be sturdy.  I was excited for a chance to make something for the More than Sparrows ladies that would be personalized and lovely, since that is exactly what they regularly send me.  I always benefit from their creativity and industry, and it was fun to return the favor.  The sewing kits are little valentines from the US to Rwanda.

Thankfully, I have crafty friends who are attentive to detail and more organized than I am.  Enter, Morgan, who dreamed up these lovely little sewing kits. 

We collected empty glasses cases and spray painted them white with primer.  How did I not know this amazing stuff existed?  Spray paint primer = my new favorite craft supply.

Glasses cases are a strange material, and spray primer was key to anything else cute sticking to them.  Then we spray painted them with pretty spring colors. 


Thankfully, I have generous crafty friends.  All my regular ladies came over and made quick work of decorating with washi tape and filling with sewing essentials. 


Morgan found sturdy little foldable scissors, and we hot glued magnets for pins, felt to hold needles, seam rippers, thimbles, measuring tape, fabric pencil, and embroidery floss.  As a bonus (to me), we used hot glue I inherited from my husband's grandmother and needles from my precious Mimi.  Grandmother craft supplies are my favorite. 


I hope the ladies feel valued with this tiny gift, because they certainly are.